This piece
is an expansion of an article written by Matthew Ingram on Gigaom
"With new changes that offer personalized search results -- most of which are being taken from its own Google+ social network -- Google has just made social connections and links the new search-engine optimization strategy"

For all of you out there
who are not at all familiar with the new changes, Mr Ingram does a great job at
explaining them and here is another article that
describes even further how Google has and/or is changing Google+ into an
essential social network for any search marketer.
To expand
upon Mathew’s point… the time where Media Specialists could use tools such as
Twitter like RSS feeds is over and now people and companies must engage their
audiences through +1’s, comments, likes, or curation.
Let’s face it, social
media companies along Google will continue to innovate, so we all have a
better chance of finding others or being found. It is not the innovation’s
themselves that matter, rather how we work together as a whole to achieve more.
Selected by Seven Times Seven covering “Consulting Advice for Small Business Owners”
Selected by Seven Times Seven covering “Consulting Advice for Small Business Owners”
Curated by David Dandaneau
Read full article here: Media
memo: Google just upped the ante on being social
David Dandaneau is a Consultant at [SevenTimesSeven]. He specializes in helping business owners “manage their business and not their processes!” For more connect with him via Twitter @ddandaneau or any of the other social platforms you may find him on.