Sunday, June 2, 2013

Social Media Engagement - Using #HashTags

Social Media Engagement Spheres 

social engagement
Image via Flickr:
It is no secret that in today’s world people/companies are investing/relying on social media to keep in touch and up-to-date, while looking to gain new customers and increasing sales. This obsession whatever the case maybe is vital for your personal and/or businesses long-term success (I have a feeling you may already know this), as more and more people turn to the internet to find answers to unanswered questions they or you may have. Whether you are looking for lost friends, starting or sustaining a business, or looking for additional support in a cause you deem important you probably know this and that social media can really make a difference huh? Not only does it help but if done correctly social engagement can pay huge dividends in terms of more supporters, followers, and/or sales? Yes?

Compared to Traditional Advertising

Although I personally started using social media some 10 years ago, I really didn’t write about any dividends derived from this median until my business partner posed a question to me about Traditional Media being on the Verge of Death in late 2011. At that time, we agreed that traditional media was not on the verge of death, instead it was/continuing to evolve like everything in our personal and business lives. Using that same frame of thinking now, I would like to know whether or not you think Traditional Marketing/Advertising is on the verge of death? Well if you know anything about advertising you would know that this is also NOT the case, as more and more companies still are/continuing to use these old medians to relay their messages on a larger scale and aimed at their specific local, regional, and global target markets (i.e. TV, radio, billboards, magazines, newspapers, etc.). However, unlike social media where people and companies can communicate instantly with their friends, followers, clients, potential customers, etc. these older forms of advertising merely provide content and/or images to help sell/educate others about themselves, their products and/or services. Still effective but not nearly as effective as social media has and can be… right? Let’s see how some of the people, companies, and brands I follow, shop at, and work with are using social media (more specifically Twitter accounts Arbys, Target, FedEx, & 97X) to communicate with their customers.

From this brief view of these chosen Twitter profiles you can see these companies and individuals behind the tweets are using a variety of hashtags (#), lists, chats, tagging, and/ @username, @mentions, @replies and @connect to engage their audiences. In fact, by using these medians/tools these companies don’t have to pay much for engagement, plus they can integrate these into their other online platforms (creating more reach) rather easily while providing feedback, supporting sponsors, customers, running contests, etc. How great right? What’s even better is if you do have a genuine problem or complement to provide organizations such as these, you can message, tag, or @them you can expect a reply most if not all the time in 24-48hrs… now that’s advertising that works with real ROI and track ability isn’t it?

Application Need(s) of HashTags (#)

Image via Flickr: Dan Moyle
Even though some traditional forms of advertising can be used to engage customers (i.e. coupons, snail mail, telephone, email, etc.) for many social media is the one that should be used more to create ROI that is almost instantaneously for many different causes. Other big companies like McDonalds, TMobile, Publix, etc. also provide their online social media followers with news, information, coupons, and give-a-ways to spread their message(s) and provide product/service updates. All of the aforementioned Twitter accounts along with those and many others just mentioned are also using #hashtags to imprint their digital footprint, while increasing brand exposure and reach. Yes, #hashtags one of the most important features I have found to be the most relevant in a business or even personal reach viewpoint. Why, well it’s simple more and more people use what is now referred to as Googling to locate data, information, and reviews of products or services, which ultimately these #hashtags help bring to the forefront of most search engines. By creating personal or business #hashtags whether on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, FourSquare, etc. you can help yourself and/or company grow while helping others locate reasons why they need you, your product, or service. Make since? Good, now with just a simple creation of a unique #hashtag you and or your company is set to engage, receive feedback, and provide a more customized approach to customer service without having to spend big bucks doing so… thus increasing sales, ROI, and your online reputation.

If you haven’t already, I would love to connect with you on any or all of my social networks, so we can all stay connected, while continuing to learn what people, clients, and customers really want #LetsStayConnected while providing #CustomerService that is #OutofThisWorld! Until next time continue your #Marketing, #Advertising, #Sales, #HashTags, and #SocialMedia engagement so you too can create a solid foundation and positive digital footprint.

David Dandaneau is a Consultant at [SevenTimesSeven]. He specializes in helping business owners “manage their business and not their processes!” For more connect with him via Twitter @ddandaneau or any of the other social platforms you may find him on.